Week 1:

Attack Wagon Developer Blog
1 min readApr 18, 2022

Welcome Scrappers to the Weekly Developer Logs for Scrap Guilds!

We think it would be best to give our loyal community members a peek behind the scenes at the game we’ve been working so hard on. Expect updates each week about gameplay features we’re excited to show you!

Our first few logs will focus on the many abilities you can equip in your custom ship loadout. These allow each scrapper to strategically augment their playstyle as they fight to become the galaxy’s most famous scrapper. Use these abilities to conquer foes in the PvP arena or PvE open world.

*Disclaimer: All footage seen is Pre-Alpha with unfinished art and is subject to change.

Ability Group: Aggressive Boost

Gotta go fast? Speed through opponents with this tactical ability, utilizing the magic type in your boost tank to quickly exit in a blaze of glory.

Ability: Arkane Magic Aggressive Boost

Target Type: Area of Effect (AoE)

Description: Boost away and leave behind a dangerous orb bursting at the seams with Arkane magic. Shoot this orb and it will explode, damaging all enemies (and friendlies!) in its range.

When to Use: This ability can be used to inflict high burst damage on slower, stronger enemies. A well timed placement of this orb as a Devastator lunges at you can wreak havoc on its plans. (More details about Devastators and other creatures in future updates!)

Stay Scrappy,

Attack Wagon Dev Team



Attack Wagon Developer Blog

A Development blog made for our loyal community members to peek behind the scenes at games currently in development at Attack Wagon.